Ruth Wilton Watercolours Located at 8 Birch Hill Dr., CONQUERALL MILLS,Nova Scotia, B4V 6A7, , Conquerall Mills, Nova Scotia. .

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Ruth Wilton Watercolours

About Ruth Wilton Watercolours

Ruth Wilton Watercolours registered place of business address in record is: 8 Birch Hill Dr., CONQUERALL MILLS,Nova Scotia, B4V 6A7, Canada

Company Name Ruth Wilton Watercolours
Establishment Number 234567003387
Website -
Phone 902-543-2798
Established Year -
Province Nova Scotia
Address 8 Birch Hill Dr.
B4V 6A7
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Ruth Wilton (Owner)
Phone Number 902-543-2798
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Ruth Wilton Watercolours Company Services
ServiceService Description
Custom Stationery/PaintingsCustom designed notes and stationery from original watercolour portrait of your home done by artist Ruth Wilton from photos or on locaion (if in local area). Also packaged cards with scenes of Nova Scotia's South Shore (wholesale or retail)
Custom StationeryHasty Notes and Personal Stationery produced from original watercolour portrait of your home, cottage or boat, painted by Ruth Wilton from photographs, or on location if in my local area or an area I may plan to visit. All art work is done with quality materials and to customer's statisfaction or no obligation to purchase. Approval of drawing and painting before continuing insures maximum input from client. Sationery is computer produced on site at reasonable rates in small quanities. Re-orders available.
Homescapes by Ruth WiltonHomescapes are watercolour portraits of your home, cottage, or boat, produced by artist Ruth Wilton. They can be done from photographs, or on location. I prefer to take to pictures myself if it is in my local area but could work from yours if necessary. I do travel to areas in Ontario, Bermuda, Germany on occasion and would be able to take pictures if in the vacinity. All Homescapes are custom framed and matted with acid free matboard. All painting materials are professional quality. Homescapes come in two sizes---- 18" x 24" (45 x 60 cm) 16" x 20" (40 x 50 cm) Samples of my work are available upon request. Personal hasty notes and stationery with a reproduction of your Homescape are also available at reasonable rates. I have had 9 years experience as a watercolour artist and have been creating Homescapes for 5 years. I take a great deal of pride in my work and hold the client under no obligation to accept it if not totally satisfied. Customer referrences will be provided upon request. Visa accepted.
Packaged Stationery/Local ScenesPackaged hasty notes, featuring scenes of the South Shore of Nova Scotia. The area includes Bridgewater, Lunenburg, Mahone Bay, Green Bay, Rissers Beach, Petite Riviere, Broad Cove and scenery in this vacinity. Scenes attempt to capture the landscape and architecture of the area. Notes are produced from watercolours by artist Ruth Wilton and packaged in plastic sleeves containing 6 notes and envelopes. They are suitable as souvenirs of these areas as well as personal note paper. Notes are available directly from the artist at retail prices or to businesses for resale at wholesale prices. Interior printing of your message for special occasions and bulk quantities are available. Samples upon request.
CalendarsCalendars featuring reproductions of watercolours by Nova Scotia artist Ruth Wilton. Calendars feature 12 half page colour reproductions of paintings of local scenes of the South Shore of Nova Scotia and a small colour print on the cover. Calendars are 8.5" x 11" (21.5 x 27.5 cm) and include a mailing envelope. Available directly from the artist at retail or wholesale to buinesses. Suitable as a gift, souvenir or the area or to enhance your own surroundings. Information sheet with samples of paintings for next year available after July 1. Samples of current calendars available now.
Ruth Wilton Watercolours Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
339990All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing

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