Lunenburg Craftsmen Located at 1 Bell Blvd, Halifax International Airport , ENFIELD,Nova Scotia, B2T 1K2, , Enfield, Nova Scotia. .

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Lunenburg Craftsmen

About Lunenburg Craftsmen

Lunenburg Craftsmen was established in year 1979

Lunenburg Craftsmen registered place of business address in record is: 1 Bell Blvd, Halifax International Airport , ENFIELD,Nova Scotia, B2T 1K2, Canada

Company Name Lunenburg Craftsmen
Operating Name Towels Totes & More
Establishment Number 234567003255
Website Visit Lunenburg Craftsmen Website
Phone 902-634-8970
Established Year 1979
Province Nova Scotia
Address 1 Bell Blvd
Halifax International Airport
ENFIELD,Nova Scotia
B2T 1K2
Business Activity Retail
Conatct Person Ronald Sieniewicz (Owner)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Lunenburg Craftsmen Company Services
ServiceService Description
Lunenburg Craftsmen Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
453220Gift, Novelty and Souvenir Stores

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