Creations DPR Inc. Located at 4715, av. des Replats, Bureau 135, QUÉBEC,Quebec, G2J 1B8, , QuÉbec, Quebec. .

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Creations DPR Inc.

About Creations Dpr Inc.

Creations Dpr Inc. was established in year 1981

Creations Dpr Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 4715, av. des Replats, Bureau 135, QUÉBEC,Quebec, G2J 1B8, Canada

CREATIONS DPR INC. Company Profile
Company Name Creations DPR Inc.
Establishment Number 234567003009
Website Visit Creations DPR Inc. Website
Phone 418-627-5735
Established Year 1981
Province Quebec
Address 4715, av. des Replats
Bureau 135
G2J 1B8
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Michel Ferland (Owner)
Phone Number 418-627-5735
Fax Number 418-627-5722
Country of Ownership Canada
Creations DPR Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Fashion jewellery and accessoriesDesign, manufacture, import and sale of fashion jewellery and accessories.
Creations DPR Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
339910Jewellery and Silverware Manufacturing

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