Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. Located at 4590 Rhodes Dr., WINDSOR,Ontario, N8W 5C2, , Windsor, Ontario. .

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Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd.

About Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd.

Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. was established in year 1983

Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 4590 Rhodes Dr., WINDSOR,Ontario, N8W 5C2, Canada

Company Name Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567002970
Website Visit Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. Website
Phone 519-948-4373
Established Year 1983
Province Ontario
Address 4590 Rhodes Dr.
N8W 5C2
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Michael Shalhoub (President)
Phone Number 519-948-4373
Fax Number 519-945-2256
Country of Ownership Canada
Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Holland Cleaning Solutions Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
325610Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing

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