Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp. Located at 346 Millway Ave, Concord,Ontario, L4K 3W1, , Concord, Ontario. .

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Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp.

About Crystal-glo Manufacturing Corp.

Crystal-glo Manufacturing Corp. was established in year 1987

Crystal-glo Manufacturing Corp. registered place of business address in record is: 346 Millway Ave, Concord,Ontario, L4K 3W1, Canada

Company Name Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp.
Establishment Number 234567002963
Website Visit Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp. Website
Phone 905-760-0006
Established Year 1987
Province Ontario
Address 346 Millway Ave
L4K 3W1
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Marie Brown (Manager)
Phone Number 905-760-0006
Fax Number 905-760-0008
Country of Ownership Canada
Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Crystal-Glo Paint Treatment (Acrylic Car Polish)Cleans, polishes, and protects. A unique acrylic formula that produces a glass-like finish. Generates a deeper, richer, smoother shine and wraps it in a long-lasting protective acrylic shield that is weather proof (UVA/UVB) and scratch-resistant. Fills in minor scratches and abrasions, maximizing color richness, and giving off a long-lasting "wet" look.
Crystal-Glo Surface RestorerDeep cleans, restores, and re-seals. Crystal-Glo® Surface Restorer is a special one step polish/conditioner that effectively cleans and eliminates heavy oxidation, minor scratches, surface rust, embedded dirt, corrosion, discoloration, tarnish, yellowing, chalking, and fading. Quickly restores, and polishes to a brilliant high gloss shine. Simultaneously adds unique non-stick acrylic protection that is both weather-proof (UVA/UVB SPF 30) and scratch resistant.
Crystal-Glo Leather & Vinyl TreatmentCleans, conditions, and adds lasting life to your leather seats, dashboards, vinyl, and rubber trimmings. Removes stubborn stains and dirt, while revitalizing the natural richness, color depth and suppleness of your smooth and finished leathers (without the mess of any greasy, oily residue).
Crystal-Glo Acrylic Motorcycle PolishCRYSTAL-GLO® Acrylic Motorcycle Polish is a unique acrylic formula that deep cleans and brings out a deeper, richer, more vibrant shine, while wrapping your precious motorcycle finishes in a protective acrylic shield that is weather-proof and scratch resistant.
Crystal-Glo Marine Treatment (Acrylic Boat Polish)Cleans, revitalizes and protects in one. Maximizes color intensity and high gloss, while depositing a super-protective acrylic coating that gives your boat a deep, lustrous shine, impervious to salt water, acid rain and marine growths. Environmentally friendly anti-fouling action stops algae and barnacle attachment, while rail marks, waterline dirt, and stains are dramatically reduced and easily wiped off.
Crystal-Glo Acrylic Total WashConcentrated vehicle shampoo that gently deep cleans, attacks grease, and lifts off dirt. Even removes brake dust. Once dried, there are no water spots or streaks, just a sleek, eye-pleasing crystal-clear shine.
Crystal-Glo Spray PolishSpray on, wipe-off formula maintains that “just polished” showroom look to your Vehicle in seconds. Cleans scuffs, marks, oily fingerprints, and fresh surface contaminants. Complete detailer for in-between polishing. Cleans and polishes without water. Quickly and easily produces an instant “wet” look.
Crystal-Glo Manufacturing Corp. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
325610Soap and Cleaning Compound Manufacturing
454111Internet Shopping

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