Phason Inc. Located at 2 Terracon Place, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2J 4G7, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Phason Inc.

About Phason Inc.

Phason Inc. was established in year 1987

Phason Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 2 Terracon Place, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2J 4G7, Canada

PHASON INC. Company Profile
Company Name Phason Inc.
Establishment Number 234567002857
Website Visit Phason Inc. Website
Phone 204-233-1400
Established Year 1987
Province Manitoba
Address 2 Terracon Place
R2J 4G7
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person David Weigelt (General Manager)
Phone Number 204-233-1400
Fax Number 204-233-3252
Country of Ownership Canada
Phason Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Electronic control systemsPhason products are in hog, poultry, dairy, greenhouse, and light-industrial buildings on every continent of the world. Products and services: Ventilation controls Programmable lighting controls Evaporative cooling controls Integrated production management controls and software Control and power accessories Control software Technical support
IT - ElectronicsPhason products are in hog, poultry, dairy, greenhouse, and light-industrial buildings on every continent of the world. Products and services: Ventilation controls Programmable lighting controls Evaporative cooling controls Integrated production management controls and software Control and power accessories Control software Technical support
Contract electronics manufacturing servicesPhason has a long history of innovation, growth, and stability. In recent years, we have added new equipment to our plant and expanded our capacity to do high-value electronic manufacturing for ourselves and others. Our business, design, and manufacturing practices conform to the requirements of our quality program, which requires us to continually review and improve our processes and procedures. We are committed to delivering products that are free of defects in design, materials, and workmanship, and to continuously improving all our processes and products. This means you get reliable, well-built, and dependable products. Products and services: Circuit board production Mechanical and box-build assembly Wire harness assembly
Phason Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
333110Agricultural Implement Manufacturing
333990All Other General-Purpose Machinery Manufacturing
334110Computer and Peripheral Equipment Manufacturing
334410Semiconductor and Other Electronic Component Manufacturing
334512Measuring, Medical and Controlling Devices Manufacturing
335210Small Electrical Appliance Manufacturing
335315Switchgear and Switchboard, and Relay and Industrial Control Apparatus Manufacturing
335930Wiring Device Manufacturing
335990All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing

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