Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited Located at 2165 Cornwall Rd, R.R. 3, MAHONE BAY,Nova Scotia, B0J 2E0, , Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. .

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Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited

About Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited

Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited was established in year 1976

Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited registered place of business address in record is: 2165 Cornwall Rd, R.R. 3, MAHONE BAY,Nova Scotia, B0J 2E0, Canada

Company Name Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited
Establishment Number 234567002746
Website Visit Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited Website
Phone 902-624-8872
Established Year 1976
Province Nova Scotia
Address 2165 Cornwall Rd
R.R. 3
MAHONE BAY,Nova Scotia
B0J 2E0
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Kendall Veinotte (Vice President)
Phone Number
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited Company Services
ServiceService Description
precast concrete and Ready mix concretepatio blocks well crocks boat moorings septic tanks, pumped ready mix concrete
Greenblock ICF building system distributorGreenblock ICF building systems
FAST septic systemssales and installation of FAST septic systems
Certified Crane Rentalcertified crane and boom truck rental from 8 to 80 tons. Buildings moved, roof trusses erected, modular homes placed on foundations anything that needs a lift
scale and weighing equipment sales and servicesales and service for all types of sales, new and used inventory
Construction servicesroadways, driveways,rock walls, groundwork, aggregate supply
septic system installationtraditional and new septic systems. Maritime dealers and installers for FAST treatment system
Mini Home transportHaul, block and tie down mobile and mini homes
Lawrence S. Veinotte Enterprises Limited Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors
237990Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction
238110Poured Concrete Foundation and Structure Contractors
238910Site Preparation Contractors
327330Concrete Pipe, Brick and Block Manufacturing
416390Other Specialty-Line Building Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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