Logistec Corporation Located at 1500-360 Saint-Jacques St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H2Y 1P5, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Logistec Corporation

About Logistec Corporation

Logistec Corporation was established in year 1952

Logistec Corporation registered place of business address in record is: 1500-360 Saint-Jacques St, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H2Y 1P5, Canada

Company Name Logistec Corporation
Establishment Number 234567002731
Website Visit Logistec Corporation Website
Phone 514-844-9381
Established Year 1952
Province Quebec
Address 1500-360 Saint-Jacques St
H2Y 1P5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Madeleine Paquin (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 514-844-9381
Fax Number 514-844-9650
Country of Ownership Canada
Logistec Corporation Company Services
ServiceService Description
Marine Cargo handlingCargo handling, agency services, marine transportation services, stevedoring and terminal operations, management of PCBs, site remediation, risk assesment and rehabilitation of underground pipes and aqueducts.
Logistec Corporation Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
488320Marine Cargo Handling

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