DGH Engineering Ltd. Located at 12 Aviation Blvd, ST ANDREWS,Manitoba, R1A 3N5, , St Andrews, Manitoba. .

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DGH Engineering Ltd.

About Dgh Engineering Ltd.

Dgh Engineering Ltd. was established in year 1989

Dgh Engineering Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 12 Aviation Blvd, ST ANDREWS,Manitoba, R1A 3N5, Canada

Company Name DGH Engineering Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567002577
Website Visit DGH Engineering Ltd. Website
Phone 204-334-8846
Established Year 1989
Province Manitoba
Address 12 Aviation Blvd
R1A 3N5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Dennis Hodgkinson (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 204-334-8846
Fax Number 204-334-6965
Country of Ownership Canada
DGH Engineering Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Negative air pressure cover system.With an ever expanding world population and increased encroachment by the population upon agricultural areas, community pressure continuously challenges livestock producers to control odours emanating from manure storage basins. Controlling odour is in fact a major challenge facing the expansion and sustainability of the livestock industry. In Canada, manure storage facilities account for approximately 30% of odour complaints related to livestock operations. There is a need for a cost-effective storage cover that will control odours from manure storage facilities. To address this problem, DGH Engineering Ltd. has developed an inexpensive plastic cover technology, patent pending, which uses negative air pressure for anchorage. The technology involves covering earthen storages and lagoons facilities with an inexpensive, lightweight plastic cover. The edge of the cover is sealed around the perimeter of the storage facility by the use of a unique anchorage system implementing negative air pressure. Negative air pressure is created by a system of perforated pipes that are located under the cover around the perimeter of the storage facility which is connected to suitable fans stationed outside the cover at proper spacing, providing a uniform negative air pressure under the cover. The technology has proven adequate to maintain a cover in place at winds in excess of 80 km/hr. The anchorage can be permanent or temporary to permit periodic removal of the cover to allow for the emptying of the storage facility. This cover technology has been successfully tested on and applied to manure storages under various field conditions. Its use has been found to reduce odours to almost non-detectable levels year round. The life expectancy of the cover system is expected to exceed 6 years with the use of an appropriate materials.
DGH Engineering Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
236210Industrial Building and Structure Construction
236220Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
541330Engineering Services
541620Environmental Consulting Services
541690Other Scientific and Technical Consulting Services

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