Eriks Industriel Services Located at 960 Powell Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3H 0H6, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Eriks Industriel Services

About Eriks Industriel Services

Eriks Industriel Services registered place of business address in record is: 960 Powell Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R3H 0H6, Canada

Company Name Eriks Industriel Services
Establishment Number 234567002568
Website Visit Eriks Industriel Services Website
Phone 204-697-1225
Established Year -
Province Manitoba
Address 960 Powell Ave
R3H 0H6
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person DONNA HEWEY (Manager)
Phone Number 204-697-1225
Fax Number 204-697-1230
Country of Ownership Canada
Eriks Industriel Services Company Services
ServiceService Description
Trucking-Bulk HaulingSupply a full line of hose, fittings and associated components to the liquid and dry bulk hauling industry. Capable of servicing multi-location/national contracts with North America-wide branch coverage. Goodall is an ISO 9002 registered company with 42 locations in Canada and the United States.
Rubber HoseAll types of industrial hose ie: rubber,pvc, metal, teflon, thermoplastic - for use in the following applications - hydraulic, chemical, steam, air, petroleum, material handling, water,agricultural fertilizers and chemicals.
Expansion Jointsrubber, teflon, hand built, molded, flue duct, u-joints bellows
Conveyor BeltRubber or PVC - Stone, gravel, coal, food, pharmaceutical, etc. Accessories: Skirtboard, pulley lagging, channel rubber, impact bars, idlers, belt cleaners.
Gaskets/Sheet Rubber/MattingRubber - Neoprene, EPDM, Buna-N, Natural Gum Rubber, Cloth Inserted, Butyl, Diaphram, Silicone,Viton, Teflon, Closed cell sponge, Ribbed Matting, Anti fatigue matting, Switchboard matting.
Hydraulic Hose and FittingsRubber and Thermoplastic hydraulic hose, Fittings and adaptors, Quick disconnect couplers.
Eriks Industriel Services Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
326220Rubber and Plastic Hose and Belting Manufacturing
417230Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors

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