Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. Located at 1512 Church Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2X 1G6, , Winnipeg, Manitoba. .

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Inkster Park Millwork Ltd.

About Inkster Park Millwork Ltd.

Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. was established in year 1966

Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 1512 Church Ave, WINNIPEG,Manitoba, R2X 1G6, Canada

Company Name Inkster Park Millwork Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567002048
Website Visit Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. Website
Phone 204-694-0101
Established Year 1966
Province Manitoba
Address 1512 Church Ave
R2X 1G6
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Gary Glowa (Data Provider)
Phone Number 204-694-0101
Fax Number 204-694-9459
Country of Ownership Canada
Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Inkster Park Millwork Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
321911Wood Window and Door Manufacturing
326196Plastic Window and Door Manufacturing
326198All Other Plastic Product Manufacturing

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