Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic Located at 110 Wright Ave, DARTMOUTH,Nova Scotia, B3B 1R6, , Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. .

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Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic

About Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic

Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic was established in year 1962

Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic registered place of business address in record is: 110 Wright Ave, DARTMOUTH,Nova Scotia, B3B 1R6, Canada

Company Name Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic
Establishment Number 234567002029
Website Visit Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic Website
Phone 902-469-6721
Established Year 1962
Province Nova Scotia
Address 110 Wright Ave
B3B 1R6
Business Activity Trading House / Wholesaler / Agent and Distributor
Conatct Person Fred Barton (Vice President)
Phone Number 902-469-6721
Fax Number 902-464-3874
Country of Ownership Canada
Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic Company Services
ServiceService Description
Bobcat skid steer loaders, mini excavatorsBobcat skid steer loaders and mini excavators, versahandlers, backhoes
Liftow Limited/ Bobcat Atlantic Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
417210Construction and Forestry Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors
332710Machine Shops
417230Industrial Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Wholesaler-Distributors
532490Other Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Equipment Rental and Leasing

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