Radco Enterprises Ltd. Located at 71 Conley Dr., WESTVILLE,Nova Scotia, B0K 2A0, , Westville, Nova Scotia. .

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Radco Enterprises Ltd.

About Radco Enterprises Ltd.

Radco Enterprises Ltd. was established in year 1990

Radco Enterprises Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 71 Conley Dr., WESTVILLE,Nova Scotia, B0K 2A0, Canada

Company Name Radco Enterprises Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567001651
Website Visit Radco Enterprises Ltd. Website
Phone 902-396-4171
Established Year 1990
Province Nova Scotia
Address 71 Conley Dr.
B0K 2A0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Janet MacPhee (Office Administrator)
Phone Number 902-396-4171
Fax Number 902-396-3041
Country of Ownership Canada
Radco Enterprises Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Axles, Front Wheel DriveRadco re-manufactures used CV axles using a computerized precision constant velocity grinding machine and new component parts to ensure a quality product. We also inventory a full line of Universal joints and complete line of the constant velocity joints and " Dura Boot " boot kits.
DriveshaftRadco manufactures,rebuilds and repairs driveshafts.Our driveshafts are balanced using a computerized driveshaft balancing machine. Radco's models range from those used in conventional passenger cars to Caterpillar CAT988B wheel loaders.
Radiator & Heater coresRadco supplies new rads (limited lifetime warranty), recore rads and heater cores ( 1 year warranty ). Installation available on site.
Radco Enterprises Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
336350Motor Vehicle Transmission and Power Train Parts Manufacturing
336390Other Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing

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