Neatware Located at 2900 Warden Ave, SCARBOROUGH,Ontario, M1W 3Y8, , Scarborough, Ontario. .

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About Neatware

Neatware was established in year 1997

Neatware registered place of business address in record is: 2900 Warden Ave, SCARBOROUGH,Ontario, M1W 3Y8, Canada

NEATWARE Company Profile
Company Name Neatware
Establishment Number 234567001261
Website Visit Neatware Website
Phone 416-721-9788
Established Year 1997
Province Ontario
Address 2900 Warden Ave
M1W 3Y8
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Chang LI (President)
Phone Number 416-721-9788
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Neatware Company Services
ServiceService Description
Snaml BookSnaml Book is a 2-Dimensional Web Organizer, a 4-Way Web Navigator, and a full screen Web Browser for iPhone, iPad, and Android Phone/Tablet. Snaml Book organizes web sites in the architecture of Library, Category, and Page. Each Page can be a HTML5 page. A Category includes a group of pages. And a set of Snaml Book files are stored in a database as a Library. Snaml Book allows you to organize web sites in category, browse and preview them by swiping in four directions on iPhone. You can manage and navigate HTML5 pages, PDF documents, JPEG photos and H.264 movies easily through Snaml Book. KEY FEATURES Support iOS 5 features like iCloud and Twitter Organize Web Sites in a Dynamic Book Easily Add, Delete, Exchange Cards Convenient Navigation by Swipe Preview Snaml Cross for Quick Navigation Display Support HTML5 and Video Playback Full screen Web Browser and Media Navigation Organize Photo and Video from Camera Roll Library for Snaml Book View, Save, and Share Share Snaml Book by Email, Twitter, Web
Ladybug MixerCompositing live and vivid videos, showing stunning visual effects in high-definition, Ladybug Mixer, a multi-channel media mixer with real-time visual effects on Windows, works greatly for your video processing and application such as video remix, digital signage, video server, and streaming video.
MyrmecoX StudoMyrmecoX Studio is a suite for Tcl development. The latest MyrmecoX Studio 4.0 includes an IDE (tcl 8.4, editor, checker, debugger, keyword editor, and byte code compiler ) and integrated extensions for interactive automation, object-oriented programming, java integration, database connection, graphs and charts, COM interface, exception handling, extension wizard, as well as advanced gui (expect, itcl, blt, tcom, trycatch, xwizard, bwidget). Finally, MyrmecoX Studio supports SnamlScript and Angular 2 on Web Application Development.
Ladybug PlayerLadybug Player is a popular 4K HEVC, H.265, H.264, AVI, VCD, MPEG, video and MP3, WAV, MIDI audio player. It supports video playback in full screen and full speed. Ladybug Player can change the rate of playback. Furthermore Ladybug Player supports multi-tasking, multi-screen, and hardware video acceleration.
Snaml TheaterSnaml Theater is a Cloud TV app for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. It is also a Windows 10 Universal Application. A new generation TV architecture is designed for Cloud video streaming and using. It completely change the use of TV and Streaming video. By using Snaml Theater you can ultra simply change thousands channels by swipe the remote control of Apple TV. All programs and videos are managed on cloud database from smart phone and tablet.
Neatware IT ServicesAs an Intel Solution Provider, Neatware works along with Intel Solution Center in North American to provide advanced services on computer systems for data center, big data, and platform migration. The services include system loading and balance testing, system tuning and optimizing, as well as system security configuration.
Neatware Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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