Main Street Communications Ltd. Located at 4-22268 116th Ave, MAPLE RIDGE,British Columbia, V2X 1P5, , Maple Ridge, British Columbia. .

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Main Street Communications Ltd.

About Main Street Communications Ltd.

Main Street Communications Ltd. was established in year 1997

Main Street Communications Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 4-22268 116th Ave, MAPLE RIDGE,British Columbia, V2X 1P5, Canada

Company Name Main Street Communications Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567001249
Website Visit Main Street Communications Ltd. Website
Phone 604-862-9788
Established Year 1997
Province British Columbia
Address 4-22268 116th Ave
MAPLE RIDGE,British Columbia
V2X 1P5
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Ian McLeod (Consultant)
Phone Number 604-477-0893
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Main Street Communications Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Strategic communicationsMain Street Communications offers expertise in strategic communications planning and services in such areas as media and community relations, public consultation, meeting facilitation, communications and other training, promotions and marketing. The company maintains offices in Victoria and in Maple Ridge in the Fraser Valley. Company president Vicki Bentzen is a facilitator, writer, trainer and consultant and employs a range of specialists in serving Main Street's clients. She holds a certificate in Voluntary and Non-Profit Sector Management earned through Simon Fraser University. She was nominated for a 1998 Micro- Entrepreneur of the Year Award and the 1999 Maple Ridge Business of the Year award. Ian McLeod joined Main Street as senior consultant in 2000. Ian was previously a director of communications with the B.C. government and has 25 years of communications experience. Ian is a skilled project manager, media relations specialist and strategic planner. He is a former CBC journalist and the author of two books on Canadian politics. Main Street counsels clients on how best to use their resources to manage risk. An organization that neglects internal or external communications runs a heightened risk of incurring costs related to rumour, negative media reports, irrational opposition, procedural challenges and delays. A well-managed communications and consultation program profiles and supports senior decision-makers, develops the skills of in-house staff and builds positive links between the client and the community.
Main Street Communications Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541430Graphic Design Services
541611Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services
541820Public Relations Services
611430Professional and Management Development Training

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