Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. Located at 4805, 82nd Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6B 0E5, , Edmonton, Alberta. .

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Trimay Wear Plate Ltd.

About Trimay Wear Plate Ltd.

Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. was established in year 1993

Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 4805, 82nd Ave NW, EDMONTON,Alberta, T6B 0E5, Canada

Company Name Trimay Wear Plate Ltd.
Operating Name Trimay
Establishment Number 234567001203
Website Visit Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. Website
Phone 780-451-2206
Established Year 1993
Province Alberta
Address 4805, 82nd Ave NW
T6B 0E5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Doug Fraser (General Manager)
Phone Number 780-451-2206
Fax Number 780-451-2087
Country of Ownership Canada
Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Wear PlatesA selection of chromium (CCO), tungsten, complex and boron-based alloys are offered to be manufactured onto steel plate via submerged arc welding (SAW). All cladded overlays are designed for highly abrasive wear applications and severe operating environments where other wear products fail. Trimay® overlays have a low coefficient of friction like most of the competition, however, Trimay's rigorous selection criteria results in a high-performing product fit for the toughest environments. All wear plate can be cut and formed to precise specification.
Screed PlatesScreeds and floor plates for all brands of asphalt & concrete paving equipment (Barber Greene, Caterpillar, Blaw Knox, Champion, Cedar Rapids, etc.). Standard Trimay® screed plates outlast OEM parts by a factor of 10:1. According to comparison testing conducted using Alberta asphalt, Trimay® screed processed 750,000 tonnes of asphalt before being replaced.
Alloy Wires & ElectrodesTrimay® supplies a line of wires and electrodes that compliment the alloys manufactured onto plate and pipe.
Hydrotransport PipelinesTrimay® offers a unique hydrotransport pipe product that prolongs life for horizontal to fully-vertical (slickline) applications. Trimay's unique FCAW application process, in coalition with proprietary and pantented self-manufactured equipment, that results in a consistent product that leaves the parent material largely unaffected. Testing before and after the metallic cladding has proven the substrate properties to remain unaffected throughout the process. Trimay® offers traditional chromium (CCO) and tungsten overlays as well as a new alloy that has successfully been tested to outperform a wide range of tungstens in turbulent (slurry) environments.
Trimay Wear Plate Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
331110Iron and Steel Mills and Ferro-Alloy Manufacturing
331210Iron and Steel Pipes and Tubes Manufacturing from Purchased Steel
332810Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating and Allied Activities
335990All Other Electrical Equipment and Component Manufacturing

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