Meade Willis Inc. Located at 330-5005 Jean-Talon St W, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H4P 1W7, , Montreal, QC, Quebec. .

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Meade Willis Inc.

About Meade Willis Inc.

Meade Willis Inc. was established in year 1995

Meade Willis Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 330-5005 Jean-Talon St W, MONTRÉAL,Quebec, H4P 1W7, Canada

MEADE WILLIS INC. Company Profile
Company Name Meade Willis Inc.
Establishment Number 234567000995
Website Visit Meade Willis Inc. Website
Phone 514-369-1146
Established Year 1995
Province Quebec
Address 330-5005 Jean-Talon St W
H4P 1W7
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Michael Barski (President)
Phone Number 514-369-1146
Fax Number 514-368-2341
Country of Ownership Canada
Meade Willis Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
globalEDI InternetOverview · globalEDI Internet receives EDI transactions and converts them into HTML forms or receives an HTML form and converts it into an EDI file · globalEDI Internet supports all transaction sets and all recognized standards · All work by clients is done directly on the server and all files are saved on the server · Internet clients do not store anything on their computers except the web browser (and any files they specifically request) · Internet clients manage all EDI transactions through their web browser interface · All browsers compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer (MS IE) 3.x or higher and Netscape 3.x or higher work with globalEDI Internet Operation · Internet clients access the Internet through their regular Internet Service Provider (ISP) and using their browser connect to the globalEDI Internet web site · There they view an introductory page from which registered users can then click on the hyperlink that will take them into globalEDI Internet · The registered user will see a password screen where they must enter their user name and password before proceeding further in the site · globalEDI Internet receives the user's input (user name and password) and compares it to existing clients in the database. If a match is found, the user will receive access only to those pages (Trading Partners and Transaction Sets) which correspond to the user's profile in the same database · The users views the EDI transactions addressed to them and will be able to create the appropriate responses (e.g. receive a Purchase Order, create an Invoice, receive a Payment Order) from HTML forms · Functional Acknowledgements are generated automatically upon receipt of the transaction · A backup function in globalEDI Internet allows regular backups of the archive directories to ensure their security · At all times, clients can view all past transactions they have received or sent
Professional ServicesManagement Electronic Commerce(EC)Consulting Services EC Integration Services EC Support Services EC Network Design, Development Project Management Services Value Added Network (VAN) Services
globalUDXcomputer-to-computer transaction translation service
Meade Willis Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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