Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc. Located at 1-19231 54th Ave, SURREY,British Columbia, V3S 8E5, , Surrey, British Columbia. .

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Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc.

About Murphy Wall-beds Hardware Inc.

Murphy Wall-beds Hardware Inc. was established in year 1975

Murphy Wall-beds Hardware Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 1-19231 54th Ave, SURREY,British Columbia, V3S 8E5, Canada

Company Name Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc.
Establishment Number 234567000934
Website Visit Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc. Website
Phone 604-576-7880
Established Year 1975
Province British Columbia
Address 1-19231 54th Ave
SURREY,British Columbia
V3S 8E5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Leigh Barwin (Representative)
Phone Number 250-595-3434
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Wall Bed HardwareWe supply the complete hardware system for wall beds. These items are made to ISO 9000 standards. In addition we supply the complete wall bed with all of the cabinetry. Product is commonly known as a Murphy Bed.
Tilt-Away BedsThe two hardware componants are the exclusive; 1. Spring Lift mechanism, and 2.Aluminum Bed Rail System. The primary purpose of our wall bed is space saving. This item is extensively used in residential homes, hotels, resorts, social housing, government applications such as fire halls and barracks, home offices and Bed & Breakfast operations, plus wherever the dual utilization of rooms is required. We also provide all of the cabinetry. We supply complete assembly instructions with drawings. This product is currently being exported to the USA, Mexico, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Africa.
Murphy Wall-Beds Hardware Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332510Hardware Manufacturing
337126Household Furniture (except Wood and Upholstered) Manufacturing

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