Somum Inc. Located at 524 Notre-Dame St E, VICTORIAVILLE,Quebec, G6P 4B5, , Victoriaville, Quebec. .

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Somum Inc.

About Somum Inc.

Somum Inc. was established in year 1985

Somum Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 524 Notre-Dame St E, VICTORIAVILLE,Quebec, G6P 4B5, Canada

SOMUM INC. Company Profile
Company Name Somum Inc.
Establishment Number 234567000875
Website Visit Somum Inc. Website
Phone 819-758-6275
Established Year 1985
Province Quebec
Address 524 Notre-Dame St E
G6P 4B5
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Stéphane Carrière (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 819-758-6275
Fax Number 819-751-5120
Country of Ownership Canada
Somum Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
SomumSOLUTION / CommunicationCommunication module is an option of SomumSOLUTION. This is a product specialising in the transmission of messages, by the telephone way, to a multitude of contacts quickly. This system use a data base of contacts and makes it possible to extract from the lists to which we can assign one or more messages to diffuse. Next, it join all selected contacts as soon as possible according some imposed constraints (hours of calls and priority). This system integrate very well in a plan of emergency measure of a municipality and can also answer a much of need pose by the municipal organization like the police services (for join the population or team to give them instructions), the roadway department (for announce the cut of water, of street...), the town hall (warn the population about election or new directives...), the finance (perception of tax, ticket of infringement), emergency plan (evacuation of a sector of the city, instruction on the drinkable water or electricity...) and other (recall of meeting by example).
SomumSOLUTION / SurveillanceSurveillance module is an option of SomumSOLUTION, This is a system which calls people who live alone and/or lack of autonomy each day to make sure that all is well. If the person is not reached after some attempts, a process of alarm is started. This product is at present used in many police stations, day-care center or hospitals and framed well in a project of support in residence imposed by the ambulatory turn.
Somum Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541510Computer Systems Design and Related Services

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