Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Located at 30004 Highway 48, PEFFERLAW,Ontario, L0E 1N0, , Pefferlaw, Ontario. .

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Buchner Manufacturing Inc.

About Buchner Manufacturing Inc.

Buchner Manufacturing Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 30004 Highway 48, PEFFERLAW,Ontario, L0E 1N0, Canada

Company Name Buchner Manufacturing Inc.
Establishment Number 234567000580
Website Visit Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Website
Phone 705-437-1734
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 30004 Highway 48
L0E 1N0
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person John Buchner (Owner)
Phone Number 705-437-1734
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
aluminum building productsWe manufacture aluminum eavestrough (gutters), downspouts, soffit, fascia, aluminum coils, and sell vinyl siding, caulking, fasteners, rollforming machinery, brake presses. Many of these products are also available in steel. Canada's most complete line of aluminum building products.
rollforming machineryWe stock eavestrough (gutter) machines.
sidingWe stock a full variety of vinyl and aluminum siding all made by Canadian companies.
Buchner Manufacturing Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
326198All Other Plastic Product Manufacturing

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