Concentra Financial Services Association Located at 333 3rd Ave N, SASKATOON,Saskatchewan, S7K 2M2, , Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. .

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Concentra Financial Services Association

About Concentra Financial Services Association

Concentra Financial Services Association was established in year 1952

Concentra Financial Services Association registered place of business address in record is: 333 3rd Ave N, SASKATOON,Saskatchewan, S7K 2M2, Canada

Company Name Concentra Financial Services Association
Operating Name Concentra
Establishment Number 234567000468
Website Visit Concentra Financial Services Association Website
Phone 306-956-5100
Established Year 1952
Province Saskatchewan
Address 333 3rd Ave N
S7K 2M2
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Ken Kosolofski (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 800-788-6311
Fax Number
Country of Ownership Canada
Concentra Financial Services Association Company Services
ServiceService Description
Corporate TrustsCredit unions' business members can often use corporate trust products to assist them in achieving their business goals and objectives. Credit unions working with business members can help solidify the relationship by ensuring both the business and its professional advisors are aware of the credit union's ability to facilitate access to professional trustee services. Areas where corporate trust products and services can play an important role include: Facilitating access to business capital Expanding employee benefits Safeguarding assets during business transactions
Personal TrustsFor credit unions and members requiring the services of a corporation that can act as a trustee, Concentra offers personal trust programs and products. Unique credit union trust programs are specifically designed to assist credit unions to expand their product offerings, increase their assets and strengthen their member relationships. The array of trust services offered by Concentra ranges from products providing full administration services to information and advisory support services. All programs are structured in a manner that ensures the primary relationship with the member remains at the credit union. Credit unions identifying members who may benefit from trust services are encouraged to direct those members to Concentra. A referral to Concentra ensures that members will have access to the professional trust services they require from within the co-operative financial services network. Concentra can help credit unions fulfill their members' needs through: Estate Administration Testamentary Trust Administration Living Trust Administration Discretionary Trust Administration Personal Administration Accounts First Nations Trusts
Concentra Financial Services Association Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
522111Personal and Commercial Banking Industry
522112Corporate and Institutional Banking Industry
523990All Other Financial Investment Activities

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