Shercom Industries Inc. Located at Corman Industrial Park North, SASKATOON,Saskatchewan, S7K 3J7, , Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. .

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Shercom Industries Inc.

About Shercom Industries Inc.

Shercom Industries Inc. was established in year 1993

Shercom Industries Inc. registered place of business address in record is: Corman Industrial Park North, SASKATOON,Saskatchewan, S7K 3J7, Canada

Company Name Shercom Industries Inc.
Establishment Number 234567000286
Website Visit Shercom Industries Inc. Website
Phone 306-933-0600
Established Year 1993
Province Saskatchewan
Address Corman Industrial Park North
S7K 3J7
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Shane Olson (Chief Executive Officer)
Phone Number 306-665-1819
Fax Number 306-665-6606
Country of Ownership Canada
Shercom Industries Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
E-Z RiserSolid recycled rubber automotive service ramps. Used to elevate a vehicle to permit servicing from underside. Their solid composition makes them a safe and extremely heavy duty (supporting up to 12000 lbs per pair) alternative to existing steel ramps. The rubber composition makes them NON SLIP, and eliminates rusting or bending problems seen with steel ramps. The E-Z Riser has a low profile making them more useful for working with late model cars with lower front ends, spoilers, etc.
RV LevelerThe RV Leveler is a device used to level off a camper, Motorhome, or RV at a campsite where proper leveling is crucial. The RV Leveler provide a leveling range of 1 to 3". They are sold in pairs and can be inverted upon each other to allow for two set to be used together in order to gain more leveling height. The RV leveler is made from 100% recycled rubber.
Curb RampThe Curb Ramp is a recycled rubber ramp that is 5' in length. It is designed to lay in the gutter of a residential driveway to taper off the sharp drop or "bump" from the street onto the driveway. This provides more comfort and prevents front end damage to the vehicle. The ramps are removable, and have a drainage port molded into their underside to allow natural water runoff to pass underneath them. Consumer purchase 2 to 5 ramps per household depending on the width of their driveway.
Parking Curb100% solid recycled rubber parking curbs. Made only 3' long to permit easy installation by placing 2 curbs per stall. This also provides "walkways" between the stalls which will allow passage of pedestrians, shopping carts, wheelchairs, etc. The curbs have a height of 5" which prevents damage to the lower late model cars. Rubber composition prevents cracking due to weather.
Shercom Industries Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
238990All Other Specialty Trade Contractors

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