Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd. Located at 522 Bedford Hwy, HALIFAX,Nova Scotia, B3M 2L7, , Halifax, Nova Scotia. .

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Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd.

About Barrie And Langille Architects Ltd.

Barrie And Langille Architects Ltd. registered place of business address in record is: 522 Bedford Hwy, HALIFAX,Nova Scotia, B3M 2L7, Canada

Company Name Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd.
Establishment Number 234567000242
Website -
Phone 902-443-8030
Established Year -
Province Nova Scotia
Address 522 Bedford Hwy
HALIFAX,Nova Scotia
B3M 2L7
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Nancy Langille (Managing Partner)
Phone Number 902-443-8030
Fax Number 902-457-0174
Country of Ownership Canada
Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Architectural Design and Consulting ServicesArchitectural Design and Consulting Services and: - Facility Audit and Assessment Services - Master Planning Services - Feasibility and User Studies - Consultant Team Leadership and Coordination
Barrie and Langille Architects Ltd. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
541310Architectural Services

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