THE NOVEMBER GROUP Company Profile | |||
Company Name | The November Group | ||
Establishment Number | 234567000102 | ||
Website | Visit The November Group Website | ||
Phone | 204-953-6710 | ||
Established Year | 1997 | ||
Province | Manitoba | ||
Address | 19 Poplar Point WINNIPEG,Manitoba R3Y 0E2 |
Business Activity | Services | ||
Conatct Person | Dan Gall (Partner/Associate) | ||
Phone Number | 204-953-6711 | ||
Fax Number | 204-953-6719 | ||
Country of Ownership | Canada | ||
The November Group Company Services | |
Service | Service Description |
E-Commerce Application Development | E-Commerce Electronic commerce is emerging as a new and extraordinarily cost-effective way to do business. In 1996, some $2.6 billion in revenue was generated from transactions across the Internet. And analysts estimate that number will grow to be over $200 billion by 2001. About 5.2 million Canadians will use the Internet on a regular basis in 1998, and over 2 million homes will be connected by year's end. Thirty-four per cent of Canadian Net surfers will come from households with incomes of $50,000 to $59,000 a year, while those earning $60,000 to $79,000 will account for 18 per cent of Net users. Companies that are prepared for this explosion in Net use with well-developed strategies in place to take advantage of it will be in a position to potentially dominate their markets. They'll do so using mass-market, wafer-thin segmentation coupled with internal "network-enabled" capabilities to both target and deliver superior value propositions to their customers via electronic channels such as the Web. Companies that are already online will have a significant head start on the competition, and the global network infrastructure holds so much promise as a medium for commercial transactions that future advances in network technology will make it even more imperative for companies to do business over the Internet. That's why it's so important to start piloting and experimenting now, in order to develop an effective arsenal of customer connections that will strengthen relationships and add value to what you have to offer. The November Group is helping a number of our clients develop e-commerce strategies and solutions that work. No matter what a company's size or in-house expertise, invariably there are ways for any organization to conduct transactions over the Net. |
Interactive Multimedia | Interactive Multimedia In addition to Web sites, The November Group also offers Interactive Multimedia Design and Engineering services for audiovisual presentations, interactive kiosks, games, computer-based training programs, and more. Interactive multimedia promises to revolutionize the way we work, learn, and communicate. By integrating text, graphics, animation, video and sound, multimedia engages the senses and allows people to interact with information in a richer, more natural way. Our product line is diverse and allows us to cater to the needs of any size of organization or development budget, from PowerPoint presentations and simple visual slide shows on floppy disk to online interactive seminars and fully produced and authored CD-ROMs. Let us show you how effective the unconventional can be. |
Internet/Intranet Consulting | Internet Consulting Understanding the Internet's potential and keeping abreast of changes can be time-consuming and requires expertise that many organizations lack. The November Group can help. We take the time to learn as much as possible about your organization so that together we can develop an Internet strategy that will work for you. We can help you understand the possibilities, and then create detailed recommendations for turning it into an effective, useful tool. Currently, marketing is the main focus for commercial Web sites on the Internet. However, customer support should also have a prominent role in an external Web. A Web site can help suppliers, dealers, or field reps stay in touch with company operations. It also can provide an excellent way to link customers directly to supplier information. The November Group can analyze an existing site and determine how to evolve it. We'll research your market and provide a report that details what your competitors are doing on the Internet, what you need to do to stay ahead of them, and more. Intranet Consulting On the inside of your organization, there are a number of information resources and transactions that are potential candidates for an Intranet. Every major company has reams of information that it must distribute to internal employees or external customers and suppliers. Web technology gives us a way to put all of these documents online for instant access by authorized users. When you look at the sheer volume of information stored by corporations today - including reams of printed information like computer documentation, procedures, specifications, and reference documents - you quickly see the argument for taking information online. Companies also have a number of electronic resources stored on computer that are traditionally distributed by transportable media or by copying across network nodes. With a Web browser like Netscape, you can catalog these resources online for user review and automatically distribute them - through a single mouse-click - across a network to any authorized user who requests them. Web browsers also give us a way to communicate with employees, customers, or suppliers, present information, capture feedback, and process the feedback automatically through databases or scripting mechanisms. They also support spontaneous user searches of information archives or databases. A well-designed Intranet can provide an excellent way to unify the far-flung operations of a company and increase the ease, frequency, and quality of inter-departmental communication. The November Group has all the expertise you need to get your Intranet started. |
Website Design and Engineering | Web Site Design and Engineering The November Group views a Web site as a major corporate asset. Like other valuable assets, your Web site needs a sound design and development plan, as well as plans for maintenance, support and upgrades, so that you continue to get value and return from your investment. We are committed to understanding your goals, organizing and optimizing information for online delivery, and building a robust, reliable site. We make the most of our extensive experience to deliver: · A blueprint for the site that outlines what information is to be included and how it will be organized. · A user interface that makes navigation easy, natural and fast. · Well-written content so your information is clear and easy to understand. · Compelling graphics, which complement your organization's graphic identity and brand personality. · Top quality software engineering so your site can be lively and interactive; our technical staff does everything from creating 2D and 3D animations through to information-gathering forms that feed into legacy databases. · Thorough testing to ensure that the site is easy to use and reliable. At The November Group we recommend building a site in phases, beginning with an initial, manageable launch and then adding new content and capabilities as additional needs are identified. Our development approach involves integrating all of the components into a harmonious whole. At The November Group we enforce standards and checkpoints for customer satisfaction to ensure success and to meet or exceed our client's expectations and objectives. Definition of Objectives The first question that needs to be answered before any work can begin is: What is the purpose of the site? When the goals have been clearly defined, our staff can begin executing a design that best fulfill those goals. Information Architecture Working with you, a preliminary map of the site is made at the conceptual level, including a site tree showing how the content will be organized, how the pages will link together, what features will be given priority and what will appear deeper in the site. Prototype Development Through a variety of prototyping methods, the 'look and feel' of an interface is created and/or an interaction model is simulated to showcase functionality of an application. This allows a client to present the idea behind the site to management or end-users in order to arrive at a final design with specifications for the production process. Usability Testing Prototypes can be tested to ensure that the application or site is designed in an intuitive, easy-to-use manner and that it meets the needs of the end-user. This testing addresses any problems and corrects them before production begins. Content Preparation The content of the site will of course come from a variety of sources, with clients providing any relevant documentation and graphics and The November Group building on that to begin development. Production and Online Approvals At every step of the design and development of a Web site, clients will be involved in making decisions with The November Group about all aspects of the site. During the development process, the site will be in a secure, password-protected location on one of our Web servers, where clients can view the site as a work in progress. Testing/Quality Control The November Group uses site management software and testing to ensure cross-platform compatibility, that the files, applets and CGIs that make up the content of the site are available and working, and that all of the links are valid. Software applications are put through a rigorous debugging trial to insure quality. Launch When all previous steps are complete, and client is completely satisfied, the site will be launched. Your Web site can be a very lonely place unless it is publicized. Our services include marketing and publicizing your Web site to all major Internet search engines, Usenet news groups and a host of other commercial sites available for this purpose. If needed, we will also develop a marketing communications program that will support your investment. You and your staff will also receive details on the internal steps you can take to market your new Web site to clients, suppliers and others with whom you do business. Success by Design In most projects, designers will work closely with clients at every step in the process to ensure that the site is moving in the right direction. And unlike print designers, Web designers at The November Group are familiar with the technologies of the Internet, which better enables them to design in such a way that their work is optimized for the Web. The look and feel as well as ease of use has a great impact on whether a site will be a success. In our experience, successful sites have a number of common traits: Interactive Sometimes, customers come to us asking for a Web site that looks exactly like a printed publication. Instead, The November Group recommends re-examining the organization and quality of content for a World Wide Web site so as to maximize its interactive, non-sequential and in-depth capabilities. Easy to Navigate It is crucial that a Web site be easy to navigate. The use of navigational tools such as bars or icons must be consistently placed on each page with indicators showing the current location of the viewer, and should include a link back to the home page, where new explorations can begin. Unified Consistent layout helps to create a unified site, which in turn complements a company's branding. Use of a tight color scheme and repetition of images not only helps to emphasize this consistency, but makes for a faster download as well. Automated The November Group suggests that clients consider incorporating automated mechanisms whenever possible to give their Web site a fresh look on a regular basis, while reducing the need for manual administration of the site. Quick to Download The November Group designers are experts at layering various images, colors and illustrations to produce rich, appealing graphics that pass our very stringent 'bandwidth' limitations test. Technologically Advanced The November Group explores with all our customers the potential of using the latest interactive technologies when the technology will clearly complement client's communications objectives. Browser Friendly Our design staff is well versed with the limitations of various browsers, and designs within these parameters. |
The November Group Company Business Activity | |
Activity ID | Activity |
541510 | Computer Systems Design and Related Services |
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