K-Sports Marine Inc. Located at 876 River Dr., KENORA,Ontario, P9N 1K3, , Kenora, Ontario. .

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K-Sports Marine Inc.

About K-sports Marine Inc.

K-sports Marine Inc. registered place of business address in record is: 876 River Dr., KENORA,Ontario, P9N 1K3, Canada

K-SPORTS MARINE INC. Company Profile
Company Name K-Sports Marine Inc.
Establishment Number 234567019061
Website Visit K-Sports Marine Inc. Website
Phone 807-467-4479
Established Year -
Province Ontario
Address 876 River Dr.
P9N 1K3
Business Activity Retail
Conatct Person John Derouard (Systems Admin)
Phone Number 807-467-4479
Fax Number 807-468-7310
Country of Ownership
K-Sports Marine Inc. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Powersport ProductsAuthorized dealer of Yamaha, Honda, Arctic Cat, Crestliner, Sylvan, Deep Water, Misty River, Champion, Campion - snowmobiles, ATVs, motorcycles, boats, outboards, and power equipment (i.e. generators, pumps, lawn equipment).
Outboard Marine EnginesYamaha and Honda outboards
ATVsHonda and Yamaha ATVs
SnowmobilesYamaha and Arctic Cat snowmobiles
GeneratorsHonda and Yamaha generators
Water PumpsHonda and Yamaha water pumps
Boats - Small craftCrestliner, Sylvan, Harbercraft, Alumacraft, Deep Water, Misty River, Champion, and Campion boats. From 10' to 24'
R.V. Travel TrailersFleetwood Prowler travel trailers, pull behind and fifth-wheel style.
Water Testing SuppliesK Sports is full service and sales Hach Canada partner. We are able to supply, sell and service water monitoring and installations for Hach Canada.
Data Flow SystemsWater monitoring systems
K-Sports Marine Inc. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
415190Recreational and Other Motor Vehicles Wholesaler-Distributors
441220Motorcycle, Boat and Other Motor Vehicle Dealers

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