TJD Industriel Located at 147, ch. des Raymond, RIVIÈRE-DU-LOUP,Quebec, G5R 5X9, , RiviÈre-du-loup, Quebec. .

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TJD Industriel

About Tjd Industriel

Tjd Industriel registered place of business address in record is: 147, ch. des Raymond, RIVIÈRE-DU-LOUP,Quebec, G5R 5X9, Canada

TJD INDUSTRIEL Company Profile
Company Name TJD Industriel
Establishment Number 234567013559
Website Visit TJD Industriel Website
Phone 418-863-5885
Established Year -
Province Quebec
Address 147, ch. des Raymond
G5R 5X9
Business Activity Manufacturer / Processor / Producer
Conatct Person Nancy Perreault (Vice President)
Phone Number 418-863-5885
Fax Number 418-862-8099
Country of Ownership Canada
TJD Industriel Company Services
ServiceService Description
CNC laser cutting- 1,500 mm (60 in) x 3,000 mm (120 in) workspace - 4,000 watt cutting force - Maximum thickness: 25 mm (1 in) for steel, 16 mm (5/8 in) for stainless steel and 10 mm (3/8 in) for aluminum - Repositioning accuracy: .025 mm (.001 in)
CNC sheet metal bending- Digitally controlled metal sheet and plate bending - 200 metric ton capacity - 4,100 mm (160 in) length - Repositioning accuracy: " .01 mm (.0004 in)
CNC turning and milling- 2-spindle digital lathe, 3 axes - Turns up to 300 mm (12 in) x 600 mm (24 in) - Live tooling
Automated welding- Simultaneous 6-axis robotic welder - Vertically articulated - Repositioning accuracy: " .06 mm (.002 in)
CNC tube bending- 3 axes - 12 mm (1/2 in) to 76 mm (3 in) capacity - Maximum tube, pipe or profile length: 6,100 mm (20 ft) - Repositioning accurary: 0.01 degree
Powder coating- Thermosetting powder coating - More resistant oven-cured paint - Regularly used in several activity sectors
R & D, design- 2D and 3D parameter CAO software program ( Solid and surface) - Advanced modeling calculations - Engineering service - File transfer
TJD Industriel Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
332710Machine Shops
332810Coating, Engraving, Heat Treating and Allied Activities
332999All Other Miscellaneous Fabricated Metal Product Manufacturing
541420Industrial Design Services

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