WetlandsPacific Corp. Located at 921 Maughan Rd, NANAIMO,British Columbia, V9X 1J2, , Nanaimo, British Columbia. .

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WetlandsPacific Corp.

About Wetlandspacific Corp.

Wetlandspacific Corp. was established in year 1994

Wetlandspacific Corp. registered place of business address in record is: 921 Maughan Rd, NANAIMO,British Columbia, V9X 1J2, Canada

Company Name WetlandsPacific Corp.
Establishment Number 234567001516
Website Visit WetlandsPacific Corp. Website
Phone 250-722-7117
Established Year 1994
Province British Columbia
Address 921 Maughan Rd
NANAIMO,British Columbia
V9X 1J2
Business Activity Services
Conatct Person Curt Kerns (President)
Phone Number 250-245-7525
Fax Number 250-245-7543
Country of Ownership Canada
WetlandsPacific Corp. Company Services
ServiceService Description
Sewage Treatment EquipmentSewage treatment equipment for single family dwelings up to small communities. High strength industrial and toxic wastewater treatment equipment. Ultra-Violet disinfection of wastewater. Lemna culture for wastewater treatment and aquaculture.
Constructed Wetlands.Constructed wetlands are rapidly becoming the methodology of choice for advanced wastewater treatment in communities across the world. There are several reasons propelling this fundamental change in how we deal with storm and wastewaters. They typically cost less than conventional wastewater treatment plants to build, often a capital savings of one third or more can be realized; Operational & Maintenance costs are oftentimes 10% of conventional advanced secondary treatment; They remove nutrients, heavy metals, and other pollutants; Release of storm and wastewaters in to coastal oceans has been established as a causal mechanism of red tides by work done at the Scrippts Oceanographic Institute of La Jolla, California. Pacific salmon and killer whales both now carry pollutants originating from land; Storm waters can be retained reducing peak flows dramatically as well as settling out suspended soils. Constructed wetlands are probably the most flexible water treatment and containment mechanism yet discovered. They are useful for treating municipal effluents, industrial and commercial development wastewater from subdivisions, office complexes, shopping centres, and individual businesses and homes, agricultural runoff, stormwater runoff, animal wastes, acid mine drainage, landfill leachate. Using wetland plants, soils, and associated microorganisms, removal efficiencies can be quite high of contaminants from waste- and storm waters. They function by mimicking the processes in natural wetland ecosystems, and unlike conventional steel and concrete treatment plants increase their efficiency and stability over time. Constructed Wetlands are nature's way of retaining nutrients and soils on land, and of de-synchronizing storm water flows. They not only treat what we know about in the wastewater stream, but also substances we don't. Every community should have one as a living bioassay of its waste disposal methodologies.
Constructed Wetlands Design/buildDesign/build/maintain Constructed Wetlands for advanced (tertiary) treatment of wastewater, stormwater, agriculture, landfill lechate, mining, and other applications.
WetlandsPacific Corp. Company Business Activity
Activity IDActivity
221320Sewage Treatment Facilities
333310Commercial and Service Industry Machinery Manufacturing
418990All Other Wholesaler-Distributors
541330Engineering Services
562210Waste Treatment and Disposal
562990All Other Waste Management Services

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